Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays from CGA, plus 2014 season opening date

Great America posted a holiday-themed video, which also announces the opening date of the 2014 season as March 29, 2014.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

All Haunt songs now available for streaming

Thomas Tissot posted all of the Haunt songs (even from past attractions) on Bandcamp.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Halloween Haunt 2013 opening night review

Many thanks to CGA for inviting me to the Media/VIP event for Halloween Haunt's opening night. The food was great, and Madame Marie's interaction with us was hilarious!

In addition to the dinner, being VIPs we were given a one-time use front of the line pass (which we later used for Dia de los Muertos), two pairs of 3D glasses and Gold Striker ERT.

After my brother and I checked in and entered the park, we ran into CGA's Roger and Ryan, who told us that Gold Striker was open. It was truly a walk on, no line whatsoever, and I was told to sit wherever I wanted. I chose row 12, which gives great airtime going down the first drop. With the exception of a few people riding in the front, the entire train was empty, a pretty surreal experience.

Using our VIP passes, the security guard let us into the area that was blocked off to the public. We headed over to Madame Marie's Voodoo Chophouse.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Halloween Haunt 2013 website now up

Great America's Halloween Haunt website is now live, featuring details of this year's event.

Of note this year is two new mazes, Zombie High (located in a new building behind Grizzly) and Dia de los Muertos (replacing Club Blood in the Pictorium).

A new show, Funhouse Express, will be in Action Theater, although it's not known yet if it will be replacing Happy Feet or will be shown in the long-dormant right side of the theater.

Blades of Horror will be performed in Great America Theater.

Black Widow's Cavern will not return, and will not be replaced with a new attraction.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Halloween Haunt 2013: Club Blood retired, to be replaced by Dia de los Muertos

News about Halloween Haunt is slowly trickling out. Club Blood will be retired and replaced by a Dia de los Muertos-themed maze, according to members from Theme Park Review.

Also, CGA recently applied for a permit to build a new storage shed at the "south edge" of the park, likely for a new maze. The park made a similar move last year when they built a structure for Madame Marie's Massacre Manor.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

EDIT: Gold Striker reopens after temporary closure

An email sent out from the park announced that Gold Striker has reopened:

"Great news regarding Gold Striker just arrived! All remediation work to comply with noise issues has been completed and approved by the proper authorities. The additional 70 ft. tunnel (which is themed similar to the initial descent tunnel which has been so well received by riders) will allow Gold Striker to run free the rest of the season."


Because of previous noise complaints by CGA's neighbors (i.e. Prudential), Gold Striker is currently closed as crews install another sound tunnel to the ride. You can read more about the agreement on the ride's permit page (scroll down).

The park hopes to get the ride open by July 4, according to this article.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gold Striker is now open

I was fortunate enough to be invited as a media VIP for the Grand Opening/media day event for Gold Striker on Saturday.

I was given a Gold Striker goodie bag filled with a T-shirt, gold bar USB drive and a block of wood with the logo branded on the front. Also was able to nab a Gold Striker towel for being one of the first 9,000 riders!

Thank you CGA for putting on such an incredible grand opening event for Gold Striker. I want to give a huge thanks to CGA's Roger, Ryan, Kristin and the rest of the staff who really went above and beyond to make sure everything went smoothly and amazing!

After a short ceremony, the ribbon was cut, resulting in fireworks shooting up along the lift hill and other places as the first train of the day made its way through the course.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Why the delay, Gold Striker?

It's almost been a month since the promo shoot, and with May nearly over, Gold Striker still hasn't opened to the public. Soundwalls and track infill have been going up all over the ride, delaying the opening.

CGA has been quiet about the ride's opening date, but we should be hearing something very soon.

Photo by CGA Insider.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gold Striker first ride impressions

I was chosen to take part in a promotional shoot for Gold Striker. I want to thank CGA for putting on this amazing event, it really shows a commitment to the fans. And it was all free!

The ride is not yet open to the public, but should be very soon.

Gold Striker ... wow. I rode it nine times, and I wanted more. Much more.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Star Tower is now open

Star Tower opened up this weekend after a long hiatus. Great views of Gold Striker to be had.

Star Tower now has its own little plaza area, complete with benches.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gold Striker completes first test run, with video

CGA posted a POV video of Gold Striker's first test run:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Gold Striker's entrance sign is now up

CGA recently posted this picture on their Facebook of Gold Striker's entrance sign:

Via Facebook

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Opening day 2013 report

Opening day was certainly busy with plenty of hiccups. But what do you expect from the first day of the season?

We got there around 9:10, hoping to score a free Gold Striker cup. But everyone else had the same idea!

First, the good: Gold Striker looks amazing in person, pictures really don't do it justice.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gold Striker's trains revealed

Gold Striker's trains recently arrived at the park, and CGA showed off one car on its Facebook:
Via Facebook.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Gold Striker first rider auction is now live

Gold Striker's first rider auction is live, and on the tentative date of May 1, riders will be able to take their first spin on the coaster.

The ride is expected to open to the general public soon after, CGA said.

The auction is open through April 28, and the seats will be auctioned off to the highest bidders.

Proceeds will go to the San Francisco 49ers foundation.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New additions and improvements for 2013 season

A group of media were invited to a special event Saturday to witness all the new additions and improvements CGA will have for 2013. Among them:

• Three new Haunt mazes, with one being in a new structure and the other two replacing older mazes.
• New show in Action Theater, but what it will be has not been announced. They did say that it won't be a white water rafting movie.
• Kidzville River Adventure will be removed.
• Parking lot is getting a makeover
• Three new shows: Pop Fusion, On Broadway and Team Charlie Brown. Happiness is Snoopy will return.
• Many buildings/rides being repainted
• Different areas will now have their own special music. No more Lady Gaga blasting across all areas.
• Themeing will be huge on Gold Striker.

For pictures, see the reports on Theme Park Review.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

KidZville River Adventure removed?

CGA recently released its 2013 map, which shows Gold Striker in the lower right corner.

But one thing is missing: KidZville River Adventure, usually a little blip on the map next to Invertigo's former spot, is now just a piece of grass.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gold Striker to feature tunnel

In a move likely to appease the neighbors' complaints about noise, Gold Striker's first drop will feature a 174-foot enclosed tunnel, which the park describes as the "world's longest covered initial descent tunnel on a wooden coaster," according to a press release.

The tunnel will have wood on both sides, a corrugated metal roof and in-fill underneath the tracks, to give a feel of plunging into a pitch-dark mine.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New show for Action Theater?

According to a rumor from PureCoaster, the 10-year-old Spongebob 4D movie in the Action Theater could be on its way out.

The rumor said the film will be replaced with some sort of 2D white water rafting movie, possibly this season or next.

A Gold Striker photo update was posted as well.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Subway restaurant update

With all the recent Gold Striker news, such as construction crews topping off the lift hill, to the first drop being partially (or fully) enclosed, let's take a look at the other new-for-2013 attraction at CGA.

The park recently posted a photo of a building being remodeled. Although it didn't say, it's likely for Subway. The building also appears to be located close to the Great America Theater, across the way from Xtreme Skyflyer.

From CGA.

Perhaps the most exciting part? CGA applied for a permit to build a new bathroom in the restaurant. Now that's certainly more interesting than any Gold Striker announcement.

Yes, I'm kidding.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gold Striker update 1-26

CGA posted an amazing new photo of Gold Striker on their Facebook page.

Via Facebook.
The lift hill should be finished in the next couple weeks and the station will be constructed next month, a worker told members from Theme Park Review recently.

American Coaster Enthusiasts also posted a nice behind-the-scenes construction update of the coaster.