Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wooden coaster project being revived?

I came across some interesting information regarding the supposedly dead wooden coaster project.  Last month, Cedar Fair requested a two-year extension for the 111-foot height variance for the wooden coaster.  You can see the request from the Santa Clara Planning Commission agenda for their June meeting.  I've highlighted the important bit here:

Also of note is the permit status for the project, which you can view on Santa Clara's online permit database.  It looked like the project died in 2009, but now there are a few new entries dated in May and June of this year.  The request for a time extension is noted on one entry.  I don't understand the code words on the other entries, but what is important is that there has been movement recently on the project.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Firefall has reopened (hopefully for good)

Reports have been coming in that Firefall has now reopened, for now at least. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

News roundup 7/1

Cedar Fair's new incoming CEO, Matt Ouimet, visited CGA recently. 

Cedar Fair has announced Coasting for Kids 2011, a charity event in which participants can marathon Flight Deck.  More info here.

Finally some light at the end of the tunnel for Firefall, as it has been testing this past week.  I'd expect the ride to open soon.